Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


The cop cruiser gives you access to the 'Most Wanted' list from it's computer. You need to complete 10 of these missions on each of the main islands to count towards your 100% complete status. You can steal cop cruisers from either the cop shop just north of your safehouse or the one between Sundance and Hickcock Street just east of the memorial arch by Outlook Park. These cruisers are frequently unguarded. If your cruiser starts pouring out black smoke at any point you can either go back to a cop shop for another, or try calling for backup then take the cruiser that turns up. If you fail any mission move on to the next one, as you won't be able to access the previous mission for a while, or until you've at least attempted another mission.

1. Maxwell Caughlin

Maxwell's car will pull away as you approach, so you must do a driveby on the car until he bails out then run over or shoot Maxwell and his partner. The car is quite fast, so try to shoot out his tyres to slow him down. Don't forget to pick up the cash left on the ground at the end.

2. Scott Guzowski

You'll need to wipe out several gang members on this one. Once you get to the marker you can get out of the cruiser then head down to the targets. Picking up a cruiser gives you some shotgun ammo, which will help take out a few targets quicker. Use cover behind walls to help preserve your health.

3. Antonio Rivette

You're at a disadvantage on this one as your targets are at the top of the stairs shooting down at you. Go up the stairs carefully and try to pick off the first three targets without giving them a clear shot at you. If you can just see their heads over the top of the stairs you can take shots at them in relative safety. your last target, Antonio, is waiting for you on the station platform next to a small brick building. Run for cover behind this building then you can take him out quite easily.

4. Rogrigo Stavnes

As you approach four men will start running. Try to run them over before they reach the first corner where they separate and all run off in different directions. Do drivebys or run down the remaining men, as chasing on foot takes ages.

5. Fernando Tisdel

You need to do a driveby on the car and take it down quickly, because all four passengers will be shooting at you and will wreck your car quite quickly if you don't take out their car fast enough.

6. Tyler Pickrel

Easy one, just run him over.

7. Preston Pecinovsky

Use your shotgun to take out as many targets as you can as quickly as possible. Try to take them all down before they can get to their cars, otherwise you'll need to take out the cars.

8. Alonso Goralski

Driveby shoot the car as it flees when you approach then run down or shoot the driver when he bails, then go back and shoot the other target crouched behind the fence by the cargo containers.

9. Bert Reker

Work your way around the outside of the junkyard picking off the targets at the front, then go through the gates and up to the back of the junkyard. Take cover behind the wall to take out the last few targets.

10. Freddy Paparo

Driveby shoot the car. Continue shooting at the car as they bail out until the car explodes and kills them all.

Next: Easy as Can Be

Back to the Main List


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