Completing 'Smackdown' also opens up the Car Theft missions. You'll receive text messages from Brucie's friend 'Stevie' showing a picture of a vehicle and a general description of its location. Stevie wants you to steal 30 vehicles for him (10 on each island). The order of vehicles is random, but the location of each vehicle is always the same.
You must find each vehicle (use the descriptions below to help you) and drop it off at Stevie's 'S&M Auto Sales Garage' on the corner of Rocket Street and Guantanamo Avenue in Dukes. Try to deliver the vehicle in good condition, as your delivery fee will be progressively lower in proportion to the amount of damage done to the vehicle.
Once you've dropped the car off you won't get the next text from Stevie for another six game hours, so it'll take quite some time to complete all 30, but you do need to do them all to count towards your 100% completion. Try to do each one soon after you receive the message if you want to progress your game as quickly as possible.
The Cavalcade is parked in a driveway directly north of the north point of the Memorial Hospital on the corner of Manzano Road and Long John Avenue in Alderney. Drop the car off at S&M Autos, but stop for the following three Flying Rats along the way.
Stop at the corner of Franklin Street and Sacramento Avenue by the Gaulle Jewelry store. Go southwest around the corner into the alleyway by the store and climb the two sets of ladders to the store's rooftop. There's a pidgeon here. If shooting attracts police attention drop off the roof directly to the Cavalcade rather than going back down the ladders directly into range of the police. Now lose your wanted level.
This pidgeon is on top of a fence post in the alleyway between Folsom Street and Drop Street in Dukes.
Go to Port Tudor docks in Alderney where you did your first mission for Phil. The rancher is parked on the north side of warehouse B behind a truck trailer. Stop for a couple of Flying Rats on the way to S&M Autos.
Stop on Applewhite Street directly north of the safehouse. There's a building here with a big 'Science of Crime' billboard above the building on the north side of the street. Snipe the pidgeon at the base of the billboard.
Now drive east along Applewhite until just before the road bends north. On the south side of the street there's a road leading up the hill to various tiers of seating areas. Look along the wall to the right of the road and you'll see a pidgeon nestled in the corner where the wall rises to the next tier.
This car is at the base of the steps where you chased Dardan to his death at the Sugar factory on Creek Street way back in 'Bleed Out'.
Head northeast to the end of Franklin Street then turn north onto Applewhite Street. Continue north until the road becomes just a dirt track down to the shore. Turn back on yourself and drive carefully to the waters' edge and south to the wooden ramp rising up towards the bridge. There's a pidgeon under the ramp.
Drive across to Dukes along Grand Boulevard until it narrows and drops into a tunnel by the corner of Elbow Street. Pull off onto the sidewalk leading east up the hill alongside the southern side of the Grand Boulevard tunnel. A little way along there's a pidgeon by the entrance to 1665 Grand Boulevard.
This car is in the driveway of a house northeast of Jimmy's mansion on Owl Creek Avenue, by the corner of Cariboo Avenue in Alderney. The car has an alarm and the area is heavily patrolled by cops, but it is possible to sit out the alarm without getting a wanted level if there are no cops in the immediate area.
Drive south to the corner of Ortiz and Flathead Road. There's a pidgeon on an air conditioning unit on the wall of the building on the east side of Ortiz Road.
Drive east on Bridger Street until it turns south. Drive into the alleyway just before the barrier gates of the police station on the left. There's a pidgeon on the ground near the barrier. Needless to say you're going to get a wanted level for shooting it.
Continue your journey to S&M Autos, lose your wanted level then turn north off Grand Boulevard into Valdez Street and stop at its most northernly point. There's a pidgeon on rock jutting out from the wall behind the fence. You can jump over to the rock if you stand right in front of it and jump the fence.
Before you pick up the car head to the corner of Huntingdon Street and Charleston Avenue in Broker. Go up the stairs on the northeast corner to the station platform. Turn right at the top of the stairs and approach the three ticket vending machines. The pidgeon is on the roof of the stairs leading to the upper platform behind the ticket machines.
Get the Manana from behind the Burger Shot on Camden Avenue just south of Huntington Street in Broker.
Drive across the Dukes Bay Bridge then turn west to the southeastern end of Leavenworth Avenue at the point where it turns south in the Industrial area. There's a pidgeon on top of the streetlight by the abandoned building here.
Steal the Buccanneer from the far southeastern end of Lompoc Avenue in Dukes. Before you head back to the garage...
Drive northeast to the corner of Planche and Flanger Street. Go into the alleyway halfway along Flanger Street to the west. There's a pidgeon on a pipe on the ground on the east side of the alley about halfway down.
You'll find this one halfway along Carrollton Street between Saratoga and Cleves Avenue in Dukes.
Drive southwest to the corner of Seymour Avenue and Ellery Street. Park the car on this corner then run west and up to the train station platform. Go left to the bench by the end of the platform covering. Climb onto the bench then onto the roof of the covering. Go west and climb over the station roof, then walk across the roof of the walkway crossing the street. Climb onto the roof of the building across the street then go over to east side of the roof. You'll finally find the pidgeon in the roof doorway.
If you were lucky enough not to get a wanted level for shooting the pidgeon go back the way you came to the car, otherwise take the fall from the roof to get back to the Dilletante as quickly as possible and lose the cops.
Drive across the Dukes Bay Bridge then north to the parking lot on the shore beside the Northern Expressway. Run southeast along the shoreline until you reach the big rock jutting out into the sea near where the shoreline turns south. There's a pidgeon here. Try to shoot it from the grass verge rather than dropping down onto the rock, it's tricky getting back up.
This one is outside the church on Feldspar Street by Liberty Lane in Algonquin.
Head northeast to Albany Avenue. Park up just before the road dips under the Algonquin Bridge approach road and walk into the cable car station area on the east side of the street. There's a pidgeon on the railings between the cable cars running alongside the bridge.
Break into this car in the alleyway behind Liberty Bank in Amsterdam Lane, south Algonquin.
Stop for the pidgeon inside an enclosed wooden construction area underneath the train station on Drop Street in Dukes.
This one's on the west side of the tallest building in the area on Bunker Hill Avenue in Dukes, just east of where you started the random character mission for Badman.
Drive across Charge Island to Dukes, park up on the southern end of Quentin Avenue then run southwest down towards the shoreline until you get to the lookout point. Look northwest from here and snipe the pidgeon on the smallest of the series of boulders jutting out into the river.
Steal this car from the driveway of a small mansion on the corner of Tudor Street and Stillwater Avenue on the southwest end of Meadows Park Towers in Dukes.
Get this car from the northern point of Asparagus Avenue in Rotterdam Hill, Broker, where the road turns sharply east.
Grab this car from the driveway of the green house on the corner of Aspdin Drive and Kemeny Street in Alderney.
Drive to the corner of Butterfly and Uprock Street in northwest Dukes then park up and run north down the cliffs and across the promenade. In the middle of the promenade south of the middle of the piers there's a pidgeon on a discarded concrete median.
Pick this car up near the corner of Vauxite Street and Exeter Avenue in Algonquin.
Drive east along Butterfly Street in north Dukes until the road starts to rise up. Get out here and run northeast to the second set of piers on the shoreline. Drop down into the water on the west side of the westernmost pier and you'll find a pidgeon under the boardwalk before the start of the pier.
Head to the parking lot of the LCPD station by the corner of Leavenworth Avenue and Grand Boulevard in Dukes, but before you steal it...
Go across the street and a little west, up to a small building on the north side of the rail track. To get up there you'll have to go west until the wall alongside the tracks becomes low enough to climb.
Now go back for the car. You will get a wanted level (if you haven't already from shooting the pidgeon) if any cops are by the car, but they won't be able to get to you as long as you pull away as quickly as possible.
Take a cab to the airport then a slight detour for a pidgeon.
Run north and up the stairs to the train station platform. Cross the tracks then run north until the tracks cross over the northwestern end of the northernmost of the two 'FlyUS' buildings. Jump down here onto the roof then climb across the front of the building to the double air conditioning unit between the two buildings. There's a pidgeon between the two units. Don't drop down from the north side of the building or you'll get a four-star wanted level for trespassing in this high security area. You'll have to take a little damage from the higher fall from the north side of the building.
Go back to the parking lot south of the train station and up to the top level and steal the Bobcat. Now drive back to the garage.
You'll find the Infernus on the eastern corner of Earp Street and Montauk Avenue, northeast of Outlook Park in Broker, but before you jack the car and head back to the garage...
Take out the pidgeon on top of the bus stop across the street a little to the north.
Head to the car wash near the corner of Lynch Street and Saratoga Avenue in Broker. Before you take the Freeway...
Go under the rail bridge just north of the car wash. Look up at the support beams of the bridge from the northeastern side of the road. There's a pidgeon here.
Now grab the Freeway from the car wash and do some Stunt Jumps on the way back to the garage. Some of these jumps are quite tricky. If you lose the bike for any reason you will need to go back to the car wash to pick up another one.
This jump starts from the ramp on the corner of Lynch Street and Freetown Avenue. Go north to the top end of Freetown Avenue to get enough run up to clear the expressway and land on the other side.
Plot a GPS route to the northeast corner of Tudor Street. The ramp is a fallen signpost pointing northeast across the expressway. This jump is tricky because there's often a lot of oncoming traffic in the way, but eventually you'll get a clear run up. Start from the corner where Tudor Street meets itself to the west. You'll complete the jump if you land on the far end of the expressway on the off ramp or further.
Your next jump is in the southeastern corner of Tudor Street. You don't need too much run up, start from just before the road leading east off Tudor Street. Ride south down the left hand lane to avoid hitting oncoming traffic at the last second and hit the middle of the ramp. You'll complete the jump if you land on the expressway on ramp past the grassy area under the road.
Head south down the expressway to the car wash on Tutelo Avenue. You will start your run up for the next jump here. Keep speeding north to hit the concrete ramp at the end of the street and clear the expressway.
Head northwest to the next ramp in an alleyway just off Livingston Street between Charleston and Camden Avenue. The ramp points south towards the railway tracks.
Start your run up two-thirds of the way up San Jacinto Avenue to the north, just past the alleyway to the west. Hit the middle of the ramp to land on top of the building to the south, but don't stop here, carry straight on to jump the next ramp to land on the building behind the railway tracks.
Go south to the alleyway between Hickock Street and Mohegan Avenue between Outlook Park and the Broker - Dukes Expressway. Climb to the roof of the building by the fire escape on the west side of the alley then climb around to the pidgeon on the northern end.
Get back to the bike and ride southwest to the corner of Ringo Street and Saponi Avenue. There's a pidgeon on the low wall under the overhead railtrack.
Head southeast and get into the second lane on the expressway which goes up and around to the west. There's a pidgeon on the median at the point where the median dips as the road begins to straighten out.
Go west to the sugar factory on Creek Street. Look north from the factory to the big Sprunk sign facing the river. Just south of the sign is a short flight of stairs leading towards the riverfront. You need to land between the stairs and the river to complete this jump, which doesn't leave much room for error. Any further and you'll lose the bike in the river, any less won't complete the jump.
The ramp is behind the shipping container to the east. To get to it ride up the two flights of steps and through the broken wall on Creek Street. Start your run up from the barriers past the end of the building next to the disused rail tracks. Hit the middle of the ramp then press forward to keep your front wheel from rising too high or you'll crash land. Slam the brakes on when you land to stop before the railings.
You can replenish any health you lose by buying a soda at the kiosk by the Sprunk sign.
Next jump is in an alleyway just north of the approach road to the East Borough Bridge in East Island City. Stop at the corner of Harrison Street and Tinconderoga Avenue. Start your run up by the Elm Leave Funeral Home facing the alleyway to the west. You need to land at least between the piles of junk in the junkyard below to the west.
This one's on Concord Avenue, just to the north of where you landed in the previous jump. Turn left out of the junkyard and turn around once you get past the overhead bridge. Start your run up from here and you should clear the construction building in the street to the north.
The next jump is right where you landed in the previous jump on the corner of Concord Avenue and Morris Street north of the Algonquin Bridge. The ramp points west over the swimming pool.
Start your run up from just past Tinconderoga Street to the east. This should give you just enough speed to clear the swimming pool and land on Franklin Street (or if you're unlucky hit one of the buildings by the pool). Slam your brakes on when you land or you may overrun into the river.
Beware of doing this jump with any more or less of a run up. More may see you land in the river, less will land you in the pool.
Go northeast to the corner of Franklin Street and Brandon Avenue near the southern end of the Dukes Bay Bridge. Jump the ramp here, starting your run up along Franklin Street by the corner of Tinconderoga Avenue. You'll complete the jump if you land on Dukes Boulevard.
Finally take your Freeway back to Stevie at the garage. If you're still on the original Freeway after all of these jumps, well done! You probably won't get much for it though.
Steal the Banshee from just south of the corner of Galveston Avenue and Obsidion Street near the southwest corner of Middle Park in Algonquin. It's on the east side of the street.
Go to the southeast corner of Bismark Avenue and Topaz Street off the northeast corner of Middle Park in Algonquin.
Welcome to the most powerful and dangerous vehicle in the game. This is the best bike to use for the stunt jumps, so do a few on your way back to the garage.
If you get sent to hospital or lose the bike on any of these jumps you'll have to go back to the corner of Bismark Avenue and Topaz Street to pick the bike back up.
Head to the corner of Vespucci Circus and Bismarck Avenue. The jump is at the end of the alleyway to the east. Back up to the pedestrian crossing across the street. If you start your run up from here you should land in the street below. Any further back and you run the risk of landing in the water and losing the bike. Slam your brakes on as you land to avoid the water.
Head north along Walnut Way, then west along Grummer Road, then south on Exeter Avenue. There's a concrete ramp to the right of the stairs between the two apartment blocks east of the top end of Exeter Avenue.
Start your run up from the road to land in the next parking lot.
Just north from where you landed in the previous jump is a triangular traffic island. There's a ramp on the northern end of the triangle.
Start your run up from the far end of the dirt path to the northwest to land on Grummer Road under the bridge.
Go west to the two apartment buildings just northeast of the corner of Ivy Drive North and the north end of Union Drive West. There's a wooden ramp pointing out towards this corner. Start your run up from around the corner to the north at the top end of the apartment block. This should give you enough speed to clear Ivy Drive North and land on the roof of the warehouse on the corner or on Union Drive West.
Head back east to the corner of Xenotime Street and Vespucci Circus. You will start your run up from here going northeast into Vespucci Circus towards the collapsed building beside the freeway. Hit the ramp (the 'rubble' of the collapsed building) diagonally, so that you take off going far enough north to land on the freeway.
Just southwest of S&M Autos is an incomplete bridge construction. At the end of the bridge there's a blue ramp pointing northeast over towards the garage. Start your run up from the barriers at the bottom of the bridge and hit the ramp and you should land in Guantanemo Avenue just past the garage.
Go to the corner of Calcium Street and Columbus Avenue in Algonquin. The Super GT is parked a little way east from the corner on the north side of Calcium Street.
Take the Faggio near the corner of Bismark Avenue and Diamond Street in Algonquin. Enjoy the long, slow journey back to the garage. Why would Stevie want one of these rubbish things anyway?
Go to the riverside end of Franklin Street in Dukes. The car is parked about halfway down the street where the jetty is located.
There's a pidgeon on top of a raised brick wall section by the sidewalk near the sharp turn on Greene Avenue where it runs alongside Darkhammer Street.
Go to the corner of Denver Avenue and South Parkway at the southern tip of Algonquin. The Patriot is parked a little east along South Parkway by a hotdog stand between the two joined towers.
We've seen some problems with this car taking a while to appear, especially if there's a lot of traffic in the area when you arrive. If it's not there when you get there, go get the flying rat described below then come back. If it still hasn't appeared keep going around the block until it does.
There's a pidgeon in the flower bed alongside the pavement a little way north up Denver Avenue on the east side of the street.
Pick this car up on the east side of Columbus Avenue near the corner of Hematite Street just south of Grand Easton Station in Algonquin.
Just north of Port Tudor in Alderney is the Pharte Gas plant. The gas silos are arranged in a 'G' shape. The car is parked just south of northeastern silo.
Before you take the car back to the garage, take out the pidgeon in the collapsed railway tunnel just west of the northwestern silo.
Go to the Burger Shot to the west of Union Drive West in Algonquin. This car is in the parking lot.
Take the Moonbeam from the water treatment plant in northeastern Charge Island. The car is in the parking lot near the road.
This one's in the car park on the corner of Crockett and Oneida Avenue near the rollercoaster and big wheel rides in Firefly Island.
Pick this car up from the alleyway east of Lyndon Avenue where it turns south towards Jonestown Avenue in Alderney.
On your way back to the garage stop on the eastern end of the Hickey Bridge. There's a pidgeon on the southern bridge wall.
Next: Babysitting