Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Head down to the U.L. Paper building and start the mission.

Take a cab to the marker, but before you walk into the marker after the cab drops you off...

Flying Rat #74

Walk around the marker, down the off ramp under the bridge towards the freeway. Just past the underneath of the bridge there's a very narrow gully to the right of the road with the game's most well-hidden pidgeon at the end of it.

Now get a reasonably fast car and drive into the marker.

Follow the helicopter to the helipad. It's a long journey, but you can stay on the main road for pretty much the whole way.

When the helicopter lands park up outside the facility take out the two guards at the entrance then as many guards as you can hit along the way to the helipad before you get the message that the helicopter is about to take off again. The guys around the helipad are well covered, so you may find using your sniper rifle useful.

Make a run for the helicopter once you've taken a few guys out or you get the message that the helicopter is about to take off again. A few of the remaining guys may try to pull you out as you take off, but if you swing the helicopter around enough as you take off they'll fall off.

Fly to the marker and land at the airport.

Flying Rat #75

Head northwest from the helipad until you get to the barriers to the airport parking lot. There's a pidgeon on a concrete post just to the right of the barriers.

Flying Rat #76

From the barriers run north and up the stairs to the train station. Run south a little way down the track until you're just south of of the main flight terminal. Look across to the terminal below and you'll see a hole in the big support structure under the roof of the terminal. There's a pidgeon in the hole. You'll need your sniper rifle to shoot it.

Next: The Holland Play: Part Two

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