Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


By now you'll probably have had a call from Roman about doing cab jobs. These don't count towards the 100% completion and you really don't need the cash with all the paid missions coming up. We don't suggest doing these missions unless you want to learn the map layout a little better.

You'll also get a call from Roman about going out socially. This is more important for a number of reasons.

Special Abilities

Going out on social activities improves your 'like' stat with your friends, of which you'll have four or five over the course of the game (Roman, Little Jacob, Brucie Kibbutz, Packie McCreary and Dwayne if you kill Playboy X). Once you get a friend's 'like' stat over a certain percentage (60% in the case of Roman, LJ and Dwayne, 70% for Brucie and 75% for Packie) you will open up the character's special ability.

Opening up LJ's, Brucie's and Packie's special abilities counts towards your 100% completion rating. Roman and Dwayne's special abilities don't count towards 100% completion, but they are useful to have.


Roman will allow you to call a cab to take you to any location for free, which is a useful money and time saver with the 'skip to destination' feature available in all cabs.

Little Jacob

LJ will come out to you with a trunk full of weapons. This is possibly the most useful of all the special abilities, as not only are the weapons much cheaper than getting them from the gun stores, having LJ bring them to you saves time as well. If you're unlucky enough to get busted by the police you'll lose all your weapons, so LJ comes in particularly useful when this happens.


Brucie can take you to a few destinations around the map on his helicopter. While this is a useful and scenic way to quickly traverse the map, it doesn't compare to the speed and flexibility of cab rides.


Packie can provide you with car bombs. This is useful for a few main missions and a fun distraction for a while, but has little benefit otherwise.


Dwayne provides you with a car full of gang members who will follow you and attack enemies.

Once you've opened up a character's special ability don't waste time going on any more activities with them. It sounds mean, but it's very time consuming to keep socialising with everyone, and whilst keeping special abilities available is useful, none of them are essential to the game, so it's far quicker to just decline all requests to go out with the character once you've opened up their special ability. You'll lose a couple of percentage points on your 'like' stat each time you decline and eventually they'll stop providing their special ability, but it will save you a lot of time.


You also need to do (or in some cases, win) each type of activity available for each character (apart from Roman and Dwayne) at least once to count towards your 100% completion rating. Some are harder than others...


You need to beat your opponent (friend or computer). You can also aim to score 180 in three darts and hit a bullseye for other achievement stats, but these aren't essential to your 100% completion stats.

Winning at darts is fairly easy as although the 'hand' jiggles around a bit it's not too hard to hit any part of the board. Follow the instructions for the rules of the game. To score 180 hit the treble twenty spot three times in a row. Land a dart in the central ring to hit a bullseye.


You need to win a game. Fortunately winning at pool is easy because you're always lined up with the perfect shot to pot the balls. Follow the instructions to hit the ball but don't change the initially given angle. Hit everything at a medium speed and you'll usually win.


Beat your opponent.


Eating activities can be useful if you're low on health, otherwise it may pay to decline them once you've done it at least once with the character. Brucie doesn't like fast food. LJ and Dwayne's favourite is Cluckin Bell, Roman's is Burger Shot. Packie will eat anything.


Getting drunk with friends, whilst amusing the first time you do it, quickly becomes very irritating because your driving and walking abilities are seriously impaired when you're drunk. You'll get a one-star wanted level if you drive whilst drunk, so you're better off trying to hail a cab instead. Even this can be difficult when you can't walk straight.

Seeing a Show

Simple. Drive to the venue, walk to the marker, watch the show. Shame they're all pretty rubbish, particulary the Perestroika Club's acts.

Strip Club

Another simple one. Drive to a strip club, put you weapons away before you go in, walk around and ogle. You can pay for a private dance if you wish by approaching any of the ladies walking around, but it's not necessary as part of the activity. You can leave as soon as your friend sits down if you want to get this over with as quickly as possible.


Brucie is the only character with a helicopter, so make sure you go on a heliride with him at least once.

Boat Ride

Brucie is also the only character with a speedboat, so make sure you go on a boatride with him at least once.

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