Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Random Character: Gracie

Ride southwest to the end of Babbage Drive and you'll see Gracie's friend icon. Park up a little north of her then walk towards her to start this final random character mission. Not surprisingly she's less than pleased to see you again and calls her bodyguards to take you out. Run south a little to escape their immediate shot range then turn around, crouch and pick them all off.

Flying Rat #184

Ride southeast to Latchkey Avenue and through the southern gates to Port Tudor. Go northeast to the end of the first pier. Climb up onto the shipping containers at the northeastern end of the pier and shoot the pidgeon on the top container.

Flying Rat #185

Head around to the next-but-one pier to the north (the one on the map showing four small warehouses along the road). There's a pidgeon on a mooring on the northeast corner of the pier.

Flying Rat #186

Go southwest to the eCola factory just southeast of the Pay 'n' Spray. There's a pidgeon next to a tree in the parking lot in front of the wall beside Roebuck Avenue.

Unique Stunt Jump #46

Ride south along the middle of the disused railway tracks. There's a stunt jump at the dip in the tracks. You'll complete the jump if you land in Latchkey Avenue.

Unique Stunt Jump #47

Go south to the ramp under the skyway bridge on Barsac Avenue. Ride to the top of the skyway off-ramp and start your run up from the median to the north. This should give you enough speed to clear the water and land the considerable distance to the other side.

Unique Stunt Jump #48

Go back to the previous ramp, go up the off-ramp, then head to the southern end of the skyway where the road turns west. Turn around at the next opportunity and start your run up to the next stunt jump, which is through the gap in the skyway wall blocked by barriers on the curve. Crash through the barriers and land on Grenadier Road below to complete the jump.

Flying Rat #187

Go northeast to the corner of Toggle Avenue and Grommet Street. Just south of here there's a warehouse in front of the prison grounds. Climb the dumpsters in front of the warehouse to get to the pidgeon on the warehouse roof.

Flying Rat #188

Go east to the shoreline then south along the waterfront until you reach the half sunken boat rusting away on the shore. Climb onto the boat and shoot the pidgeon on top of the cabin.

Unique Stunt Jump #49

Head northwest to the start of the disused bridge on Plumbbob Avenue. You get get past the fence behind the junk by the eastern carriageway. Start your run up at the start of the western carriageway and jump of the end over Tinderbox Avenue and land on or near the rooftop of the building north of the street.

Flying Rat #189

Carry on along the end of the street where you landed. Jump up onto the construction cabin by the end of the street and shoot the pidgeon on the lowest level sloped roof of the warehouse to the north.

Flying Rat #190

Head northeast onto Hardtack Avenue then west to the Plumbers Skyway bridge. There's a pidgeon on the far western point under the bridge on the north side of Hardtack Avenue.

Flying Rat #191

Get back on your bike and onto Plumbers Skyway. Go to the southwestern tip of the Skyway. You'll pass a coned off break in the sidewall as the road turns east, this is your final stunt jump. Carry on to the next opportunity to turn around and stop to shoot the pidgeon on top of the median.

Unique Stunt Jump #50

Conveniently this median is also your starting point for the run up to the next jump. Hit the dirt ramp and land on the rooftop past the silos below.

Flying Rat #192

Go southwest to the waterfront in the corner of the pathway near a half sunken ship. There's a pidgeon on the edge of the pathway near the corner.

Flying Rat #193

A little way north of the waterfront is a ruined shell of a building. There's another pidgeon on top of a foundation wall inside the building.

Next: One Last Thing

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