Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Go back to the cop shop to start this mission. Take a cab down to the apartment block then make sure you walk into the block with no weapon drawn.

Head to either end of the block and go up the stairs. On the first floor draw your weapon of choice then work your way up to the roof taking down all enemies along the way. Once you get to the roof Clarence will beg for his life. You have the choice of killing him here or walking away. If you walk away he'll provide another random character mission later on, but it doesn't form part of the 100% completion requirements, so it really doesn't matter what decision you make here.

Whatever your decision was, you'll now have a two-star wanted level. Don't shoot any police on your way out or you'll raise this to a three-star, which is much harder to lose as you'll have a helicopter chasing you. Run down the stairs back down to street level, sprinting past any cops, grab a vehicle and drive north towards the Northwood Heights Bridge until you lose your wanted level.

Flying Rat #67

Head along Walnut Way near the eastern coastline until you're about level with Xenotime Street way off to the west. Look up to the west and you should see a large apartment block with a high balcony facing the river. There's a pidgeon halfway down the balcony railings on the north side.

Next: Random Character: Sara - First Encounter

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