Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Go northwest to the corner of Garnet Street and Frankfort Avenue. You should see the friend icon near here. Drive Hossan to collect his money, then when his contact flees the scene pick up Hossan and do a driveby on the contact's car.

When the contact is dead pick up Hossan's money then drive him back to his final destination.

Flying Rat #63

Walk north from Hossan's drop off point across Garnet Street and up the stairs between Galveston and Frankfort Avenue. At the top of the stairs there's a set of barriers blocking access to a disused train track. There's a gap between the barriers and the track, drop into this gap and you'll find a pidgeon on the ground below.

Flying Rat #64

Go north and drop down from the previous area towards the 'Ron Oil' gas station across the street. There is a bus stop on the west side of the gas station and another across the street to the west. The latter bus stop has a pidgeon on its roof.

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