Several hours after completing the 'Photo Shoot' mission (assuming you've also done 'Roman's Sorrow' and 'Have a Heart') you'll get a distress call from Mallorie explaining that Roman has been kidnapped. A while later you'll also get a picture text from Dimitri confirming this.
Take a cab to the warehouse, but before you step into the marker make sure you have full health. If you haven't take a quick detour to the nearby BurgerShot on Lompoc Avenue.
Step into the marker to watch the cut scene giving you a quick overview of the warehouse and Roman's location on the top floor, then creep along the low wall until you get a clear view of the guy smoking next to the red explosives barrel by the 'No Smoking' sign. Come out of cover to shoot the barrel and then take out the men knocked down by the blast nearby.
There are also a few targets you can take out on the second floor from behind the wall if you wander up and down to get a clear shot.
Once you've cleared the way come out from behind the wall and go into the ground floor area. Note there's a health pack on the floor by the the big spool. This respawns after a few minutes, so you can keep coming back for more health if you need to.
Run for cover to the office opposite the spool and take out the targets on the floor above.
Go up the stairs to the second level then work your way from pillar to pillar taking out enemies. There's another health pickup on the wall and once you get to the staircase to the third level there's a body armour pickup on the floor behind the two barrels.
Work your way around the third floor picking off the targets. There are a few explosive barrels you can shoot to speed things up a little.
At the staircase to the fourth floor take out the two men shooting from the roof and the far corridor. As you climb the stairs take out the last few men then the kidnapper appears holding a gun to Roman's head.
You have three attempts to shoot the kidnapper in free-aim mode before he kills Roman. The safest option is to zoom in on his head with the sniper rifle, but your sniper ammo is precious and it's fairly easy to use any other weapon to take the shot.
Follow Roman to the getaway vehicle and drive him back to the safehouse.
A while after dropping Roman off at the safehouse (or straight after saving your game there) Roman will call to say he's leased an apartment in Algonquin. Not a wise decision for a man with a gambling addiction who's already in serious debt with the mob! Anyway, it does mean you now have a convenient second safehouse to use in Algonquin.
Next: Call and Collect