Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Shortly after finishing 'Undertaker' Gerry will call you opening up another strand of missions. Pay him a visit in prison in south Alderney.

Note the names on the whiteboard behind Gerry, all classic spoof names.

After the cut scene go to the Tw@ internet cafe on Vitullo Avenue. Log on and follow the on screen instructions to get Gracie's number. If your game time is between 8am and 9pm call Gracie to arrange a viewing, otherwise carry on with the next mission and call her when you get a reminder call from Packie.

Once Gracie agrees to show you her car drive over to the marker then follow the suggested route for the 'test drive'.

After a while the route will change to the safehouse and Niko will tell Gracie he is kidnapping her, at which point she'll keep grabbing the wheel, making the car lurch wildly. Stop accelerating whenever she does this or you may flip the car onto its roof and fail the mission. Eventually Niko will knock Gracie out making the rest of the journey simple.

Flying Rat #162

Once you've dropped off Gracie go west along the alleyway to where another alleyway leads north. Turn south from here until you can clearly see the billboard facing the highway across the street. There's a pidgeon under the billboard.

In a few game hours Packie will call you to open up the next mission in this strand. If you're doing the car theft missions between the main missions now would be a good time to do the next one, otherwise kill a few hours if you want to go straight on to the next main mission.

Next: Ransom

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