Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Head back to Roman again to start this mission. Pick up Little Jacob and take him to the destination on the map.

You might find turning on subtitles in the display options helps you to understand Little Jacob, we can't understand a word he says! Respect to Niko though, English isn't his native language and he understands LJ perfectly!

LJ is arguably the most useful character in the game and here he provides you with your first gun. Follow the on-screen instructions to take out the enemy at the shootout. Once you've cleared the area make sure to pick up the ammo left lying around. They are highlighted with a red glow.

Drive LJ back to the cafe to finish the mission.

Flying Rat #1

Now that you have a gun it's time to start picking off the 200 'flying rats' which count towards your 100% completion. Scattered around the map are 200 pidgeons. You need to shoot them all. Much as we love pidgeons, it never gets boring watching them explode in a cloud of feathers as you shoot them!

Head north-east on the highway from where you drop LJ off and pull in to the Burger Shot. Just south is an area where the pavement is under construction. The pidgeon is by a slab of concrete propped up against the wall of the highway. You can usually spot pidgeons by the red glow around them.

LJ and Vlad will call soon to offer you more work. Go to LJ first as it's nearer.

Next: Concrete Jungle

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