Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Take a cab back to your safehouse to save your game, or directly to Elizabeta. After the cut scene at the start of the mission take a cab to skip the long trip to the old hospital.

When you reach the hospital take a brief detour along the sea wall. When you reach the ladder going down to the jetty make a note of the direction to the hospital entrance from here, because this is where you're going to run when things get out of hand later on.

Take the opportunity to rid Colony Island of it's Flying Rats before you get any further into the mission.

Flying Rat #39

Go north to the park between the apartment buildings. There's a pidgeon on a merry-go-round.

Flying Rat #40

Continue north to the end of President Avenue where there's an industrial building on the south side of the street.

Climb the fire escape to the roof of this building, then jump down to the fallen billboard bridge and go across to the building across the street. Use the stairs to reach the pidgeon on the roof.

Flying Rat #41

Head back down to ground level and go west to the cable car station at the end of the street. There's a pidgeon up on the railings on the northwest corner of the station. Watch out for police here. If you get a wanted level run for the next pidgeon.

Flying Rat #42

Stop off about halfway down President Avenue. There's a pidgeon on the steps to the walkway beside the river. You're likely to get a wanted level here, so lose the cops before heading back to the hospital.

Flying Rat #43

Head back to the hospital and crouch down as you approach the two gang members by the entrance. Take out these two then the ones on the balcony inside the first room. The cooing you can hear from the entrance is Colony Island's last pidgeon, perched high up in the window above and to the left of the entrance on the top floor. You can take it out with your pistol if you back up enough from the entrance to get a shot at it.

Now work your way through the rooms and along the long corridor. There's an explosives barrel in the middle of the corridor at the end. Shoot this to take out a couple of gang members, then use the cover of the doorways to take out targets behind the doors ahead of you. Watch out for enemies shooting at you from the balcony above you as you move from room to room. There's a health pack to your left in the room with the electricity generator should you need it. Inside the room around the corner from the end of the long corridor there are two gang members guarding the coke. Take these two out then collect the body armour on the floor before you grab the bag.

After the cut scene the cops show up and you'll have a three-star wanted level. There's little point trying to kill the numerous cops as you head back through the hospital to the entrance, they will keep coming no matter how many you take down, you will only waste a lot of time, ammo and raise your wanted level further. A better strategy is to run for your life. Sprint full speed north down the central corridor to the entrance, then east over to the gap in the fence, down the ladder to the jetty and into the speed boat that has conveniently turned up for you. As long as you picked up the body armour by the coke you should make it through the barrage of fire if you keep running.

Take the boat south and lose your wanted level. Keep an eye on the map and swerve to avoid any oncoming cop boats.

Flying Rat #44

Head to the docks on the southern tip of Algonquin. There are three large bulkheads on the coastline that you can see from the map, pull your boat up against the westernmost bulkhead on its eastern side underneath the open area. Jump on top of the boat and climb up the wall to the open area. There's a pidgeon on the floor in here.

Unique Stunt Jump #1

Get back in the boat and go northeast under the Broker Bridge, keeping close to the western support column, then keep left of the three barges in a row. Just past the last barge there's a ramp in the water. Jump this ramp.

Unique Stunt Jump #2

Continue northwest under Leaper's Bridge and Algonquin Bridge and past the first two pairs of barges. A little further on there are three barges alongside each other.

There's another ramp to jump between the two barges on the right that converge together.

Flying Rat #45

Stop the boat by the pair of barges just north of your landing point from the previous jump. There's a pidgeon on the southern end of the northernmost barge, on top of a cabin.

Now take the boat to the landing directly south of the marker.

Flying Rat #46

Head northwest towards the unfinished road bridge curving west. There's a pidgeon on the concrete wall by the stairs where the path goes under the bridge.

Head north onto the road and grab any vehicle for the short drive to LJ. We don't want to give away the surprise ending here, but after this you'll understand why the character with LJ has been asking so many questions.

Next: Have a Heart

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