Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Brucie calls you shortly after completing 'No. 1', opening up 9 street races (3 on each island), which you can start from your phone by selecting 'Race' under Brucie's contact details. We'll do the first 6 now.

You'll need a fairly fast vehicle for these races, but it doesn't really matter too much what kind. It's more important that you take the corners efficiently and avoid crashes at all costs. If you can weave through traffic better on a bike this might be better for you, but it's all too easy to come off a bike and lose considerable time.

It's always quite hard to win races on the first attempt when you don't know the route, but with a bit of practice you should win these races quite quickly.

Airport Run

The other racers will crash on the first corner of this race, giving you an ideal opportunity to get into at least 3rd place. After this it's just a case of taking it easy on corners then opening up on straights to take the lead. Be careful on the tight corners coming out of the loop around the airport onto the highway, the long 360 degree turn exit off the highway and the sharp 90 degree turn east shortly after this.

South Broker

There are lots of corners to navigate on this race, but they come in quick succession, which means you shouldn't have to brake too hard to turn efficiently in most cases.

Dukes Boulevard

There are a couple of tough turns on this last course available on this island. The second corner is particularly nasty with its 90-degree turn on a blind incline. Brake before you get to the top of the hill to avoid launching off the road into the wall ahead. The plus side of this is a lot of your competitors will slam into the wall giving you a chance to move towards the lead. The next corner is also tough, you'll need to do a full handbrake turn to slide around into the correct road.


Now head over to Algonquin and call Brucie to start each of the three races in Algonquin. All three Algonquin races are fairly winding courses with tricky corners, but the other racers are slower and clumsier than in previous races. As long as you have a reasonably fast vehicle you should have little difficulty taking and keeping an early lead. Take it easy around the numerous corners and you should win these races quite quickly.

Next: Deconstruction for Beginners

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