Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


Go to Derrick and listen to his request to kill Aiden. Shortly after this cutscene Packie calls to offer his help and point you towards the truck he's provided for you. Go get the truck then park it between the two markers to block the tunnel. Now use the cover behind the truck and nearby cars to take out the targets. Be careful not to shoot Packie at the back of the vehicles.

Once all cops are dead get in Aiden's police van, wait for Packie to get in then ram the van past the truck and out of the tunnel. If you're quick enough you'll reach the edge of your wanted level zone before more cops turn up and you'll be able to stop just outside long enough to lose your wanted level. If not carry on driving until you do.

Once the coast is clear drive to the marker, switch vehicles and drive to the final marker. Wait for the end of the cutscene then shoot Aiden.

Flying Rat #150

Head north to the shopping area built on the concrete square jutting out into the sea. Pull yourself up on the southeast corner wall then head to north end of the square to the payphones by the AM2MP store. Pull yourself up onto the payphone then jump across to the roof of the store. Climb up to the roof to the west and shoot the pidgeon between the water towers on this roof.

Flying Rat #151

Head southeast to the corner of Manzano Road and Lokowski Avenue. Southeast of here is an alleyway. There's a pidgeon on the ground by the support beam below Panhandle Road, just north of the alleyway.

If you're here between the hours of 10pm and 4am you'll see a friend icon at the entrance to the nearby alleyway, if not, come back here later.

Next: Random Character: Eddie Low - First Encounter

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