If you've already completed 'No Way on the Subway' and 'Hostile Negotiations' you'll go straight into this mission. Ray calls about a guy who might know the whereabouts of the guy Niko is looking for. Niko then calls Roman for backup.
Head onto the Algonquin-Dukes expressway approaching the Algonquin Bridge, roughly level with Mohawk Avenue below. Where the road splits just before the bridge there's a steep median ramp. Start your run up from the median a little further east. Your front wheel will rise up heavily after hitting the steep ramp, so you'll have to press forward to level out or face a painful landing and a failed jump.
Turn around and get back onto the expressway. Ride over the Algonquin Bridge, but go against oncoming traffic on the southern carriageway. The pidgeon is about halfway along the bridge on the railings by the big center support beam.
Stop on Albany Avenue about halfway between Manganese and Lorimar Street. The pidgeon is on a column at the base of the statue behind the fence on the east side of the street. Snipe the bird from the street.
Once you've picked up Roman head to the next marker to interrogate Talbot. After the cut scene get a four-door car (there's one across the street), pick up Roman and Talbot then follow Talbot's directions to Florian's place.
Florian (AKA Bernie) calls shortly after Niko leaves opening up a new line of missions.
Head west across the street from Bernie's place to the memorial building. There's a pidgeon on the west side of the building.
Go southeast to the corner of Union Drive West and Nickel Street. Go up the stairs and around to the right up to the seating area. There's a pidgeon in the corner of the area.
Next: Hating the Haters