Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide

Balloons 13-51, Unique Jumps 11-22 & Rampage 3-16

Balloon 13
Take the helicopter east between the two skyscrapers. The skyscraper on the left has a hollow center. Land the helicopter in the hollow. Your rotors will scrape the sides of the building as you land, but as long as you land quickly it shouldn't matter. The balloon is at the top middle of the hollow on the west side.

Rampage 3
Hopefully you're helicopter is still in one piece. Fly north-east to where the eastern road turns west. Just south of here there is another skyscraper with a wide ledge high up on the north-east corner. Land here and get the rampage icon. You have to shoot 25 bikers with the sniper rifle in 2 minutes. Go to the eastern edge and drop down onto the ledge below, then drop down again onto the next ledge below this. From here you should be able to pick off enough bikers from a safe position in the given time.

Rampage 4
Opposite the Downtown Ammunation store is a building on the north-east corner of the junction. The rampage icon is at the top of the staircase to this building. This one's another drive-by on the bikers. Kill 25 bikers in 2 minutes to complete the mission. Use a car rather than a bike. Turn around if there's no more bikers in sight.

Balloon 14
East of the Ammunation store. The next building east of the one where you first met Forbes. The balloon is under the roof of the entrance.

Rampage 5
Go to the next building to the east, where you should see an apartment block with a Comet parked outside. The icon is at the top of the staircase. Shoot 20 bikers in 2 minutes.

Balloon 15
Go to the Downtown King Knuts. The balloon is in a palm tree just to the north on the south side of the tree.

Rampage 6
Go up the staircase behind the downtown police station. The icon is underneath the helipad. Shoot 25 bikers in 2 minutes.

Balloon 16
Behind the fire station is a tall block of apartments. The balloon is on the southeast corner of the building.

Rampage 7
Get in the helicopter at the fire station. Press up to cancel the side mission. Fly south-west and land on the roof of King Knuts. The icon is underneath the ramp. Shoot 25 bikers in 2 minutes. You'll have a hard time getting enough bikers from the roof, so drop down and blast them from the street. Retreat to a safer distance if the bikers get too close. Full health and armour will help for this.

Balloon 17
Diagonally opposite the downtown police station is a City Hall type of building. The balloon is in the top right corner of the entrance.

Rampage 8
This one's on the upper level of the police station roof, behind the pillar on the north-west corner of the roof. Use molotov cocktails to blow up 10 vehicles in 2 minutes. You'll be glad you've already completed the firetruck missions and you're completely fireproof. Drop down from the roof and throw molotovs at the passing vehicles. You'll quickly find no more vehicles turn up (would you drive down a street full of burning cars?), so you'll have to resort to nearby parked cars until you can get far enough away from the scene of the crime to more passing vehicles. There's the cop car and cop bike right outside the station (very satisfying), and a Stinger parked to the north. If you keep running out of time before you find enough cars you could try parking a few your of your own (or rather someone else's) before you start the mission, although they may just disappear by the time you get back down to them.

Balloon 18
Where the main north-south road splits is a large billboard above a store. The balloon is under the billboard.

Rampage 9
Just north-east of where the main north-south road splits, opposite the bar with Angel bikes outside is a staircase. The icon is in the shed at the top of the staircase. Shoot 25 bikers in 2 minutes.

Balloon 19
As you stand outside Business #12 on the east bank, look to the Rockstar building to the south-west. On the northeast corner is a flight of stairs. The balloon is on the northeast corner of the first floor.

Balloon 20
Still standing outside Business #12 you should just about be able to see this balloon in the distance on the building across the road to the north-west. It's on the second floor on the northeast corner of the building. If you can't see it from directly outside the business it's probably behind a tree.

20-balloon reward: You'll now be able to pick up a scorpion machine gun from any of your safehouses.

Unique Jump 11
From Business #12 go north-east to the corner of the next building to the north. Ahead you'll see a staircase. You'll need to use the crouch method to get enough speed up. You need to jump the staircase and clear the bridge to complete the jump.

Balloon 21
Under the roof in the south-west corner of the building left of where you landed in the previous jump.

Balloon 22
Head north to the where the road starts to turn west. There is a billboard stretching across the street. The balloon is under the billboard.

Unique Jump 12
Head south to where the main north-south road splits. There is a hotel construction site to the west. Ride in here and through to the back of the site. Note the three concrete cylinders stacked in a pyramid, containing a rampage and balloon. Resting on top of the cylinders is a ramp. Go to the south-west corner of the site to get a good run up to the ramp. Press up to get the extra speed. You'll get the unique jump if you get enough speed up and hit the ramp at the right angle to reach the cabin by the north fence.

Rampage 10
Go and get the Polaris outside the business just to the north before you start the rampage from the cylinder in the construction site. Run over 15 bikers in 2 minutes. You'll need to get a fair amount of speed up to kill the bikers when you hit them, so get a bit of a run up.

Balloon 23
Guess where? In the bottom left concrete cylinder at the hotel construction site.

Balloon 24
Go around to the north side of the green building just south of the hotel construction site, where there is a narrow covered alleyway. The balloon is on the roof of the alleyway.

Balloon 25
Turn west into the street just south of the previous location. In front of the green wall on the right is a row of palm trees. The balloon is near the top of the second-to-last tree.

Rampage 11
Head south down the street from the previous location and head west at the junction. There are two buildings close together here. The rampage is between the two buildings. Blow up 10 vehicles in 2 minutes. You should have less trouble finding enough vehicles in comparison to the previous 'blow up vehicles' rampage.

Balloon 26
Just west of the previous location is a R*Lax billboard. The balloon is at the base of the billboard on the left.

Balloon 27
At the north-west corner of Little Haiti, just south of your safehouse is an empty hangar. If you go into this hangar and turn around you'll see the balloon above the entrance.

Unique Jump 13
Head west from your safehouse through the gates and turn north. Ahead is a huge sand bank. Go though the gap to the east and head north along the beach to get a good run up for the jump over the sand bank. You'll need to use the crouch technique and jump from the right-hand side of the bank to land in the junkyard by your safehouse.

Unique Jump 14
On the south-west side of the White Stallionz gay bar is a staircase. Get a good run up and the extra speed from the crouch-down.

Balloon 28
From the King Knuts store entrance head down the alley to the south-west. At the end of the alley turn north. You should see the balloon in the north-east corner of the building under the roof.

Balloon 29
Head down the next road south-west of King Knuts to the junkyard. There is a large gravel sifter in the middle of the yard. The balloon is on the underside of the sifter in the middle at the top of the conveyer belt/slide.

Rampage 12
Head out east from the junkyard. On the south side of the street is a staircase leading onto the roof of the building next to the red bridge where you did the hover boat mission. The rampage is on the east side the roof. Shoot 25 Cholos in 2 minutes.

Balloon 30
Underneath the red bridge where the start of the Haiti Hover Race starts.

30-balloon reward: You'll now be able to pick up a stubby shotgun from any of your safehouses.

Unique Jump 15
Behind Business #15 by the red bridge is a trailer parked by the dock. The ramp is next to the trailer. Get a good run up from the southern end of the dock and push up for the extra speed. If you make it to dry land on the other side of the dock you've made this jump.

Balloon 31
Next to Business #15 is a billboard. The balloon is underneath the sign.

Balloon 32
Just west of the bridge that leads to the Leaf Links Golf Club is a small building called the 'Le Singe D'Arbre'. The balloon is under the overhang on the front porch.

Balloon 33
Go west from Le Singe D'Arbre then turn south. When you reach the second road leading west stop and look east. The balloon is under the porch of the house to the right.

Balloon 34
Just south of the print works is the Miamata movie theatre. The balloon is under the sign at the entrance.

Balloon 35
On the north-west corner of the basketball courts block is a barber shop called "El Peluquero Feliz". The balloon is right above the door.

Rampage 13
Go south from the barber shop until the road turns east. The icon is at the top of the stairs of a house on the east side of the street near the alleyway with the armour pickup. Shoot 25 Cholos in 2 minutes.

Balloon 36
A short walk east from the previous location is a property on the south side of the road with a high staircase leading up to the front door. You should be able to see the balloon up in a palm tree to the north.

Unique Jump 16
Go around the back of the barber shop and head towards the wooden bridge leading over the water towards Fort Baxter. Turn left before the the bridge and you'll see a very large dirt ramp. You'll need a good run up and the extra speed from the crouch to make this jump. If you hit grass on landing you've made it.

Balloon 37
Near the top of the lookout tower on the south-east corner of the Fort Baxter army base.

Balloon 38
On the roof of the building on the west of the army base is a satellite tower. The balloon is near the bottom of the tower under a satellite. You can shoot it from the grass bank by the water to the west.

Balloon 39
Follow the road from Fort Baxter round to the south until just before it dips into the tunnel. Just under the roof of the large building to the west, about two-thirds of the way along its west face is the balloon.

Balloon 40
Head south to Escobar Airport. You can't take any weapons into the main airport terminal, so you'll have to take out the balloon from outside the east entrance. It's almost directly behind the metal detector in the entrance, so you may need to stand a little to the side to get the shot.

40-balloon reward: You'll now be able to pick up Molotovs from any of your safehouses.

Rampage 14
Head to Sunshine Autos. The rampage is between the furthest west wall of the building and the fence next to it. Shoot 20 Cholos in 2 minutes.

Balloon 41
From Sunshine Autos go north then turn east at the junction. Shortly after this is an alleyway leading north. Go into the alleyway then turn west by the machinegun pickup. You should see the balloon under the stairs ahead at the end of the alley.

Rampage 15
Head up the stairs from the previous location. If you need it there is a health pickup on the roof to the south. You might also want to get the armour from the alleyway to the north before you start this mission if you don't have full armour. Turn north and head up the stairs to the east. The icon is on this roof. Shoot 25 Cholos in 2 minutes. You might be able to pick off enough Cholos from a safe position on the roof edge to the west, but they often tend to group on the east side of the street where you can't see them, so you might just be better off heading back down to street level. As long as you have full health and armour and you retreat to a safe distance if the Cholos get too close you should be able to pick off 25 Cholos within 2 minutes.

Unique Jump 17
Head back to Escobar Airport and onto the runway via the entrance to the east of the terminal. Head around the back of the terminal building towards the west and you should see a staircase in front of an airplane. Jump the staircase over the plane to complete the jump.

Balloon 42
At the north-east end of the diagonal runway are two ramps. The balloon is under the steeper ramp.

Balloon 43
Go south from the previous location until you reach a building with a large roof-covered area in front of it just south of the eastern entrance. The balloon is in the south-east corner of the roof covering.

Unique Jump 18
Head out of the east entrance and turn right. There is a staircase to the roof of the previous building. Go up the staircase and ride around to the south-west corner of the roof. Use the crouch method to get maximum speed up and jump the ramp on the north side of the roof.

Balloon 44
Head east to the Beachcomber Hotel, which is the next building west of Business #2 in Vice Port. If you stand at the entrance on the pavement and look up to the trees to the west you should see the balloon near the top of the first tree.

Balloon 45
Jump across to the roof where you got your first unique jump in 'The Audition' mission, where you picked up Forbes' car from the impound. Ride down the stairs into the impound yard and ride to the south-west end of the yard where there is a building housing several covered garages. The balloon is under the roof of the second garage from the north.

Unique Jump 19
Ride back up the stairs from the previous location onto the roof by the locked gate. Turn right and head to the south-east corner of the roof. Turn around and line yourself up with the ramp to the north, then get as much speed as possible up with the crouch technique. If you clear the roof of the next building to the north you'll make the jump.

Balloon 46
Head south from the Pay n' Spray and turn left at the end of the road. When you get to the T-junction look south and up to the crane. The balloon is under the base of the crane arm.

Unique Jump 20
Between the two converging roads leading out of Vice Docks is a building. The ramp is to the south of the building. You'll need to crouch to get enough speed for this one. You'll complete the jump if you clear the roof of the building.

Balloon 47
Opposite the western entrace of the southern-most bridge is a single-storey pink building. Just to the south of this building is a ramp. If you climb this ramp and look north to the building behind the pink building you should see the balloon on a top floor middle balcony.

Unique Jump 21
Ride north along the waterfront to the restaurant boat. Turn around and use the crouch method to get enough speed up to complete the jump over the south bridge.

Unique Jump 22
Head back to the restaurant boat. There are two sets of stairs onto the boat. Back up from the south set of stairs across the street to get a good run up. You'll need the extra crouch speed to clear the boat into the water. There is a slope behind the boat you can use to get back onshore.

Balloon 48
Climb the stairs behind the police station in Little Havana onto the roof. You should see the balloon in the trees directly in front of you.

Balloon 49
Whilst still on the roof of the police station head over to the north-west corner. Look over to the north-east and down to the roof of the Verdi Supermarket. There's a large Redwood Cigarettes box. The balloon is just below the flip-top of the box.

Rampage 16
On the south-east corner of the police station roof. Hack 25 Cholos to death with a sword in two minutes. Use your right button to target your victims. Try not to get too close to large groups of cholos. Full health and armour will help.

That's it for the west island for now. There are just two more side missions and one unique jump left to complete on this side. You'll come back for these once the Hunter helicopter becomes available after the final main mission. The unique jump you'll complete in a later main mission.

We'll head over to the east side now, with a brief stop in Starfish Island for a couple more balloons.

Balloon 50
Just before the road heading north down the centre of Starfish Island there is a gate. Go in here and you'll see the balloon in the porch of the house.

50-balloon reward: You'll now be able to pick up an AK-47 from any of your safehouses.

Balloon 51
Head east and turn right into Diaz's mansion just before the bridge. The balloon is under the roof on the south-east corner of the mansion.

Now go back to the driveway of the mansion and take the Cheetah across the bridge to the east island and turn left. Just past the fairground park is your new safehouse. Park the Cheetah in the garage, then head around the back of the safehouse and pick up the ammo there. Now grab another vehicle, head back to Starfish Island and get a PCJ-600. Park this in the garage at your safehouse too. Pick up another set of ammo behind the safehouse then go inside and save your game.

Next: TURISMO: Part 2 (Includes Balloons 52-54 & Rampage 17)

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