Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide


Target Time: 3:45
The Harbour race is located on the north-east side of the marina off the south-western point of Ocean Beach, where you reclaimed Diaz's coke from Gonzalez in an earlier mission.

Just like the Haiti Hover race, it's a lot easier to control the hover boat if you don't accelerate as you turn, otherwise the Bovver lurches wildly whenever you steer, making it difficult to hit the markers.

This race is harder than the Haiti race due to the ramps you need to jump. Lining up correctly for these ramps is quite difficult due to the Bovver's steering, but with practice you'll get there.

Next: RICARDO DIAZ 3: Domo Arigato Domestoboto (Includes Balloon 95)

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