Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide

LANCE VANCE 5 (Forbes 2): Leap and Bound
(Includes Unique Jump 2 and Balloon 1)

Make sure you have full health and armour, plenty of machine pistol ammo and grenades before you start.

Go to the spot on the map to watch over Lance's meeting. Follow the instructions to use the binoculars. Get down to the pier when Lance gets into trouble and get into the Comet.

Drive south along the main road until you get to the big freight ship at the docks. Jump the ramp just left of the road onto the ship. This will get you the second of the 30 unique jumps. Get out of the car and kill the gang members on the deck then head to the bridge.

Kill the gang members as you head towards Lance to untie him. Now head back up towards the deck killing all guards along the way. The first contraband package you need to collect is near the entrance to the deck, grab it and head out onto the deck.

Next head to the bow of the ship, kill the guards and collect the package. Now head back to the bridge and start climbing up to the mast. Kill the guards as you go and collect the remaining packages along the way. If you need it there is some armour near the top.

Once you've killed everyone and collected all of the packages look up at the top of the mast. You should see a red balloon just underneath the mast head. You need to find and pop 99 red balloons (a reference to one of the 80's pop songs used in the original GTA Vice City game) to count towards your 100% completion. Also, for each 10 balloons you pop you'll get a different weapon spawning at your safehouses, which is quite useful. Now, if you had a sniper rifle at this point you could easily pop the balloon, but it's not available yet. The easiest solution is to toss a grenade at the base of the mast, but be careful not to get caught in the blast. If you don't have any grenades left you could alternatively use any gun in manual-targetting mode.

Once you've popped the balloon head back down to the deck, jump off the ship onto the road from the life boats and get back in the Comet which has strangely reappeared by the ramp. Now just drive into the marker to finish the mission.

Next: LANCE VANCE 6: The Bum Deal

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