Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide

LANCE VANCE 9: Brawn of the Dead (Includes Balloon 62)

You call Martinez to taunt him over the loss of his cocaine, but he tells you it belongs to the Mendez Brothers and he's going to turn state's evidence to the DEA to get you convicted. Lance is unphased though and already has a buyer for the coke.

Head to the north of the island to the marker outside the mall. You have a time limit to get there, but it is very generous. When you arrive you're introduced to the buyer, Spitz, who is a movie director shooting a zombie picture in the mall. You must fill in on a couple of scenes while Lance seals the deal.

In the first scene you must stop the zombies from surrounding you by shooting them with a shotgun. Keep the right trigger held down, then after each zombie goes down press the left or right arrow button to target the next zombie.

In the next scene you must stop the zombies from entering the store by cutting them down with a sword. Again use the right trigger to lock on to your target, but after each kill run to the next target and re-press the right trigger to lock on.

Now drive Lance back to the mansion to get the drugs for Spitz, where you discover your dead-beat junkie mother has run off with the cocaine. Oh well, never mind, you now have a 'Miami Vice' style pastel suit available at your safehouses, plus Spitz calls to offer you another part in a movie. This will form the next set of missions. You'll also get a message from Lance asking you to come back. You'll just grab a quick balloon first.

Balloon 62
Across the street to the north-east of Lance's mansion is a little house on the beachfront. The balloon is on the south wall of the house.

Next: LANCE VANCE 10. Blitzkrieg

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