Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide


Just east of the lighthouse is a Sanchez. Get on the Sanchez to start the mission. This might take a few attempts, as the time you have to beat (4 min 30 sec) isn't very long at all.

Beware of the checkpoint before the bridge, you can't see past it because of the trees, but you need to turn left after it to get the right approach for the bridge.

When you get back to the bridge again slam your brakes on, then angle yourself to the left as you jump the ramp towards the JetSki. Now switch over to the JetSki for the longest part of the course.

Check your mini-map and take the checkpoints wide so that you have more time to line up with the next checkpoint. Beware of collisions with boats, rocks and the marina as you turn. After the final 180-degree turn jump the bank and press the triangle button to dismount the JetSki mid-air, so that you land in the water close to the helicopter. Get in the helicopter for the final stretch of the course.

Press forward occasionally as you gain height for the first checkpoint, then push ahead for the next one. After the next few checkpoints you'll need to gain quite a bit of height then turn right between the buildings. Take care not to hit the sides of the buildings, then push hard forward whilst turning left for the checkpoint on the roof of the building below. Now gain a little height and push forward for the final green checkpoint.

Land the helicopter over at Lance's mansion for the next mission.

Next: LANCE VANCE 14: Where It Hurts Most (Includes Unique Jumps 26-27, Balloons 89-90, Businesses 27-29 & Rampage 27-28)

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