Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide


Drive to Marty's trailer. Shoot the two men that attack you after Marty's truck almost runs you over. Keep up with Marty's truck and make sure you're behind it by the time they get to the brothel. When Marty gets out at the brothel get out yourself and shoot Marty and his protectors. Once everyone is dead, get in the truck with Louise and drive to your new safehouse as shown on the map. You can now save your game here too and there's also a health pick up and trailer trash clothes - YEEHAW!

The brothel you just came from will also become part of your business empire after the next mission. Check the map here to see where each business is. They are numbered according to the order you'll acquire them if you're following this guide in order.

Next: LOUISE WILLIAMS 4: To Victor The Spoils (Businesses 1-3)

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