Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide

MARTY WILLIAMS 2: Fear the Repo

Louise is working out in a very 80's figure-hugging leotard, which Marty insults her about and results in Louise leaving him, which is great from your point of view because she provides the next set of missions plus your love interest.

Take Marty to his lockup.

Your first task is to fetch the car shown on the map. The owner is checking his tyres, so be sure to reverse away quickly before he has a chance to pull you out, or if you're the sadistic type you could just kill him. Return the car to the lockup in perfect condition. If you hit anything you'll have to take the car to the Pay 'n' Spray in Vice Port to get it fixed, and that'll cost you $100.

The next vehicle is driving around near Sunshine Autos to the north, so get in the car parked at the lockup and drive to the marker on the map. Pull in front of the car to make it stop. Get in and get it back to the lockup in good condition.

The final vehicle you need to get is a delivery van parked in Little Haiti. Get in the car at the lockup and drive past Sunshine Autos and turn left at the T-junction. Follow the road around to the north, then go into the alley leading north just as the road bends east. In this alley is a body armour pickup which will come in useful. Once you've picked up the armour get back in the car and drive to the marker. Kill the two guards and get in the van. You'll now have a two-star wanted level, attracting a lot of unwanted attention from the police. You could lose your wanted level by going to the nearby Pay 'n' Spray, but to save yourself $100 collect the cop bribe pickup at the Print Works. Go straight ahead (south) until you get to the boomshine warehouse you took Phil to earlier. Turn left here into the Print Works. The cop bribe is under the covered entrance to the building, a little to your left as you enter from the road. This should now make your return journey to the lockup much less difficult.

Once you've returned the van you'll get $500 for completing the mission and a message from Louise asking you to come over. As tempting as this may sound, we'll finish the Marty missions and others first.

Next: MARTY WILLIAMS 3: Waking Up the Neighbors

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