Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide


Head south down the main north-south street to the hospital just past the police station. If there is no ambulance outside wander around the block and come back, one should have spawned by the time you return.

Get in the ambulance and press the up arrow button to start the mission. The aim is to pick up all injured patients and get them back to the hospital within the time limit on each of 15 levels. You'll get a fairly generous time extension as you pick up each patient and in later levels as you drop each load of patients off, but each level gets progressively harder as the patients get increasingly spaced out around the map, the number of patients increases and your patience decreases. This will take a while to complete, so try not to get too careless and slam your ambulance into any of the patients or you'll fail the mission, and if this happens on level 14 you'll be mighty peeved.

A general strategy for this mission would be to check your map at the start of each level and pick up the nearest patients first. From level four onwards head for the nearest three patients (your ambulance can carry a maximum of three patients). This will give you a decent time extension which you'll need to get the patients further away from the hospital. Return to the hospital and drive into the marker to drop the patients off. Once the patients get out you can run them over if they get in your way without any risk of failing the mission, and they will get in your way unless you reverse into the marker. Each level will require you to pick up one more patient than the previous level, up to a maximum of 15 patients. Thankfully once you complete levels 5 and 10 your progress is saved, so you'll start at level 6 or 11 should you need to retry the mission, or you just need a break after level 5 or 10.

Other things to beware of on this mission would be:

1. Hitting cops. If you get a wanted level you run the risk of being pulled out of the ambulance and busted as you stop to pick up a patient.

2. Taking too much damage. The ambulance is a sturdy vehicle, but over 15 levels it's going to take a beating, so try not to take too many knocks.

3. Toppling over. Try not to fling the ambulance around tight corners at full speed. The ambulance is quite tall, so it's center of gravity means it's can topple over quite easily if pushed too hard around corners, especially if you catch a ramp, curb or hill.

4. Picking up patients standing at the top of the ramp next to Phil's Depot. Don't bother trying to reverse up the ramp, it's too dangerous, you could quite easily topple off the ramp or run straight into the patient and kill them because you can't see if they are running towards you. Instead drive the ambulance carefully into the base of the ramp at the corner between Phil's Depot and the next building, directly below where the patient is standing. If you get close enough the patient will run down the ramp and into the ambulance.

Once you've completed all 15 levels you are rewarded with infinite sprint, which will come in particularly useful for various later missions where you need to chase people on foot.

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