Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide

DIRT TRACK TRIALS: Sanchez Time Trials

On the north point of Downtown is a dirt track. There are three vehicles parked around the track which set off a set of races for the vehicle. There are four quad bike races, eight BMX races and 12 Sanchez races. Each of these races counts towards your 100% completion and racks up a total of about 10% of the whole game. As with all the races it helps to know the layout of the course, so you'll quickly get better at each race with practice. The aim of each race is to ride around the course hitting the various markers as quickly as possible to beat the target time. Once you've beaten the time the next course in the trial is unlocked. Once you've beaten all races in the trial you'll have completed the mission for that vehicle and get a $2500 reward.

The Sanchez can be found at the south-west corner of the track behind the sloped bank. Get on the bike to start the trial.

Course 1: Target Time: 1 minute 55 seconds
The first two turns on this course are extremely tight and you'll need to use your handbrake turn on them. You'll then jump over the top of the central mound and your front wheel will come up. Level out with your up button to avoid falling of the bike as you land. Next you'll come to a bend with a sloped bank. Use the bank to turn quickly into the next path, which will lead you back to the central mound. Level out as you jump the mound and you're onto the second and third laps.

Course 2: Target Time: 1 minute 45 seconds
The first two tight turns require handbrake turns again, then you will come back to the central mound. After you come up from the ditch below the mound your front wheel will rise up, level out then ease off the accelerator to turn into the sloped bank. Then there is another sloped bank, then you'll head back up to the central mound for the second and third laps.

Course 3: Target Time: 2 minutes
The first turn has a sloped bank you can use to turn quickly into the path down into the ditch and up again to the central mound. Level yourself out as you jump the top of the mound and prepare for a handbrake turn soon after you land. Use the sloped bank for the next turn, jump the small mound then use another sloped bank to turn again. There is then a hump you will jump. Straight after the hump you'll need to do another handbrake turn. You'll then drop down into a ditch. Be careful that your front wheel stays down as you hit the bottom of the ditch then you'll climb back up to the start of the next lap.

Course 4: Target Time: 1 minute 20 seconds
The first turn is a handbrake job, the second you just need to ease off the accelerator as you turn into the ditch. As you come out of the ditch you'll go over a hump then ease off the gas for the next turn. The turn after this has a sloped bank you can use to turn into the ditch, then as you come up from the ditch and jump the central mound level yourself out for the next lap.

Course 5: Target Time: 1 minute 40 seconds
The first turn is a handbrake job again, then the next turn you'll need to ease off the accelerator and use the bank to take the very tight turn back on yourself into the next path towards the ditch. Level out as you jump the mound after the ditch, then use the three set of sloped banks to work your way around towards the central mound. Level out as you jump the mound and you're on the next lap.

Course 6: Target Time: 2 minutes 25 seconds
Use the bank to turn back on yourself and level out as you jump over the next two mounds. Handbrake the next turn and ease off the gas as you turn into the ditch and again after you jump the humps so you can take the next turn. Use the bank on the next turn to turn into the ditch and level out as you jump the central mound. Slow down a little as you get to the next turn and use the bank if you need it to turn into the ditch. Level out as you jump the final mound and your onto the next lap.

Course 7: Target Time: 2 minutes 10 seconds
Use the first two sets banks to turn, jump the hump, then another bank. Level out as you jump the mound and drop into the ditch. Use the bank to turn right, then as you come out from the bank turn left after the tree. Straight after the hump ease of the gas and turn right towards the mound. Level out as you jump the mound and again as you jump onto the second mound. Ease off the gas and turn right and down towards the next sloped bank. Jump the next mound and you're on the next lap.

Course 8: Target Time: 2 minutes 5 seconds
Use the bank to turn left, then take the next turn using your handbrake. Level out as you jump the mound and drop into the ditch and use the bank to turn back on yourself. There will be another handbrake turn to the left coming up straight after you jump the mound and come up from the ditch below. Jump the hump, then ease off the gas as you bear round and head back towards the mound where you started.

Course 9: Target Time: 2 minutes 10 seconds
Turn left at the sloped bank and over the hump, then do a handbrake left turn. Level out as you jump over the mound then turn right at the next sloped bank. After you jump the mound do a left handbrake turn, go over the hump and left around the sloped bank into the ditch. Level out as you jump the mound and you're on the next lap.

Course 10: Target Time: 2 minutes 55 seconds
The first two turns are both left handbrakers. Level out as you jump the mound and into the ditch below, then turn right around the sloped bank. After you jump the mound you'll need to do a left handbrake turn, then another one just after the hump. Level out as you jump the mound then turn right on the sloped bank. After you jump the mound you'll need to do another left handbrake turn, then ease off the gas after the hump so you can take the turn to the left back to the starting line.

Course 11: Target Time: 3 minutes
Ease off the accelerator to take the first left turn, then use your handbrake for the next left. Level out as you jump the two mounds, then ease off to turn into the next two right turns and the left turn after this just after the hump. Bear left around the sloped bank into the ditch, then level out as you jump the mound. Ease off the gas and use the bank to take the next left turn, don't jump the hump but ride just to the left of it then ease off as you turn the next left. Bear right around the sloped bank after jumping the mound then head back to the starting point on the next mound.

Course 12: Target Time: 2 minutes 55 seconds
Level out as you jump the first mound, then ease off the accelerator for the next left turn. Straight after this you'll need to do a handbrake left, then level out as you jump the mound into the ditch below. Use the bank to turn right, then do a handbrake left after the mound. Ease off the gas for the next left after the hump, then level out as you jump the next mound. Use the bank to turn right, then ease off the gas to take the next left after the mound. You'll need to do a final handbrake left after the sloped bank turn to head back up to the starting point.

Once you've completed Course 12 you'll get a $2500 bonus for completing all of the Sanchez races. You'll come back for the quadbike and BMX races later. For now take a break and head south-east for the next main mission with Lance.

Next: LANCE VANCE 2: The Audition (Includes Unique Jump 1)

Back to the Main List


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