Grand Theft Auto IV
100% Walkthrough Guide


A couple of game hours after finishing 'Blood Brothers' Packie will call inviting you to the funeral of the brother you shot. Unfortunately if you are doing any of the side missions when you get this call you won't be able to finish what you were doing, as you're forced to go straight to the funeral.

Take down the waves of Albanians outside the church after the service, then get in the hearse with Packie and drive to the cemetary. This is easier said than done, however. You have cop cars and Albanians on your tail, plus the coffin in the back will fall out if you crash or take corners too sharply. Things will get much easier once you make it across the bridge, so take out the Albanian's tyres to slow it down and you should make it if you're careful enough.

Once you get across the bridge drive to the marker to finish the mission.

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