Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide


The BMX can be found at the north-east corner of the dirt track in front of the sloped bank. Get on the bike to start the trial.

The BMX is better at taking corners than the Quad bike, but much slower than the Sanchez, so you can pretty much just keep peddling at all times apart from on the tight turns and you won't need to brake at all.

Course 1: Target Time: 1 minute 25 seconds
You should be able to take the first turn around the sloped bank without slowing down and without needing to use the bank to help you turn. Ease off the pedalling once you drop down into the ditch after the next right turn by the hump. Level out as you jump the next hump, then stop pedalling again as you come out of the ditch to turn right going back to the start line.

Course 2: Target Time: 1 minute 30 seconds
Stop pedalling briefly as you turn after the double sloped banks, then ease off the pedals again as you come down from the second mound so that you can turn left at the bottom. You should be able to take the next left turn without slowing down if you start turning early enough, then jump the hump to start the next lap.

Course 3: Target Time: 1 minute 20 seconds
You can to do this course without slowing down at all. Start turning at the first sloped bank as early as possible to take the long 180-degree turn in one go. After the mound leave turning until just before you hit the sloped bank so that you get the right path to the next marker and take the whole turn in one go.

Course 4: Target Time: 1 minute 35 seconds
Again, you should be able to do this course without taking your finger off the pedal button. After the first the first turn keep to the left of the track so you can get a good right turn into the ditch. Level out as you jump the hump over the next ditch. After the next turn at the sloped bank is a hump. Jump this hump and you're onto the next lap.

Course 5: Target Time: 1 minute 45 seconds
Another no-go-slow course. After the first two right turns you'll hit a hump. Level out as you jump and then turn right around the next bends. You'll then jump the hump and be on the next lap.

Course 6: Target Time: 1 minute 40 seconds
The first turn looks quite tight, but you can take it without slowing down. Ease off the pedals once you get to the checkpoint on the sloped bank though, as you need to take a sharp left turn just after this to climb back up to the mound. Stop pedalling before you get to the bottom of the mound to take the tight right bend, then turn right around the long sloped bank and back up to the starting line.

Course 7: Target Time: 1 minute 35 seconds
Bear left around the three sloped banks, then level out after you hit the hump and drop into the ditch. Turn around the next sloped bank then head back up for the next lap.

Course 8: Target Time: 2 minutes 40 seconds
Slow down as you get to the first turn, it's a tight one. Jump the hump, turn around the next two slopes then stop pedalling to take the tight left turn at the bottom of the second mound. Slow down again for the next turn, then bear around the long sloped bank and back to the staring line.

You've now completed all of the time trials, so we'll now work our way around the west island finishing off the remaining side missions, red balloons, unique jumps and rampage missions.

Balloon 6 (see map for locations)
Go across the street from the south east corner of the track to the tall building with the sculpture of a black orb held up by three twisted prongs. The balloon is under the black ball. Once you've popped the balloon with your sniper rifle go into the parking lot behind the building to the south and get the PCJ-600. Try to keep hold of the bike as you visit the many upcoming locations. If it gets damaged and you're nowhere near the other PCJ-600 locations take it to a Pay 'n' Spray or park it in the garage at one of your safehouses and save your game. You'll find the fairies have miraculously fixed the bike in the garage while you slept.

Balloon 7
Head to Business #14 just west of the dirt track. Go into the courtyard just to the south. The balloon is in a tree in the south-west corner of the courtyard.

Unique Jump 7
Two buildings south of Business #14 there is a staircase on the north side of the building going up to the roof. You'll need to get a good run up from the street. If you get enough speed up and jump far enough into the dirt track you'll get the unique jump.

Balloon 8
Head west along the road from Business #14. Just before the road turns south there is a building on the left with a large satellite dish on the roof. The balloon is at the base of the dish.

Rampage 1
Just north-west of the previous location is a courtyard. In the north-west corner of the courtyard is a staircase leading onto the roof. Walk into the rampage icon under the staircase. You need to do drive-by shootings to kill 20 bikers within 2 minutes. You could use the bike for this, but it will take quite a bit of damage, so you're better off grabbing the nearest car instead. Hopefully the bike will still be where you left it when you finish. If you run out of bikers to kill, turn the car around and go back in the other direction. This seems to be the best way to get more bikers to spawn.

Balloon 9
Head up the staircase in the courtyard to the roof. There is a balloon in the tree to the northeast.

Balloon 10
Between the two roads leading to the Hyman Memorial Stadium is a black office block. The balloon is high up on the north face of the building.

10-balloon reward: You'll now be able to pick up a pistol from any of your safehouses.

Rampage 2
In front of the Hyman Memorial Stadium to the west, right of the plaque. Use grenades to blow up 25 bikers within 2 minutes. Make sure you have full health and armour, you'll need it. Try to keep away from the bikers if possible, you'll last longer and won't get caught in any blasts from grenades you might throw too close to you.

Balloon 11
On the north side of the Hyman Memorial Stadium about half way down. The balloon is high up near the roof of the stadium.

Unique Jump 8
Just south of the stadium as the road turns east are some steps. Get a good run up from the north end of the road and press up to get the extra crouch speed. If you clear the water behind the steps and land on the concrete you'll complete the jump.

Unique Jump 9
This one's tough. From where you land in the previous jump head south-west. There's an enclosed area with a few green containers lying around. The ramp is against a container on the south end of the enclosure. You need to get a good run up, with the extra speed from using the crouch technique, and swerve into the enclosure to get the right angle of approach for the ramp. If you manage to jump over 60 metres you've completed the jump. Congratulations, there's only one jump harder than this one, and it's the same ramp again, and you're about to do it next.

Unique Jump 10
This jump starts from the ramp above the Downtown King Knuts, but to get there you have to jump from the previous ramp onto the roof, which is much harder than the unique jump itself. You'll need to do the same thing as the previous jump, but angle the bike more to the left in order to jump towards the roof. Once you eventually get onto the roof head round to the ramp and back up slowly to the edge of the roof to ensure you get the right angle of approach for the jump, because you really don't want to go through the previous jump again if you can avoid it. Use the crouch method to get maximum speed for the jump. If you make it onto the roof of the building opposite you've completed the hardest jump there is. Go save your game.

Balloon 12
Go to the roof of the downtown hospital and head round to the west. The balloon is in a tree to the south-east.


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