Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide

PHIL CASSIDY 2: Boomshine Blowout

What a surprise, Phil's blind drunk again. It seems the Cholos are about to blow up Phil's boomshine warehouse in Little Haiti. Take Phil's truck to the warehouse shown on the map. As Phil gets to the warehouse gates they explode. Seems the Cholos got there first. You have to get four crates out of the warehouse before the temperature reaches critical point and the boomshine explodes.

1. Get in the forklift truck and turn right. The first crate is more or less straight ahead. Just drive up to the crate to pick it up. Reverse up, turn around and head back over to Phil's truck. Press the left arrow key to raise the crate high enough to drive it onto Phil's truck. Once it's on, reverse up, turn to face north and lower the forklift to the ground with the right arrow button.

2. Your previous route is now blocked, so head forward between the opening in the boxes then turn right, left, right and right again to get back to the crates. Once you've got the next crate go back the way you came and load it onto the truck.

3. Your previous route to the crates is now blocked again by more debris, so head through the first gap and turn left, right, right, all the way across to the far wall and then right again to get back to the crates. Get the next crate back to the truck and yet more debris will fall blocking the previous route.

4. To get the last crate you'll need to go left into the first gap, left, right, right, left, up to the back of the warehouse, right to the far wall, then right and down. If you get this crate back to the truck in time you're done.

Phil will take the boomshine away and you'll get $250 for completing the mission. I wouldn't trust a man as drunk as Phil to drive a truck load of highly explosive liquor around these streets, so it's probably best Phil doesn't offer you a lift. You'll now get a message from your Aunt Enid about Lance, but it'll be a while yet before you see him.

Next: PHIL CASSIDY 3: Truck Stop

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