Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
100% Walkthrough Guide


Stop off to get some armour if you need any. You have 15 rounds to get through and are likely to take a pounding.

General strategy:

Go to the store on the map, run over any gang members outside and quickly go inside.

If instructed to do so, smash the place up.

Kill any gang members that may turn up. Grab any ammo left over.

If the store owner calls the cops get to a Pay 'n' Spray to clear your wanted level.

Don't hang around on the streets too long or you'll get gang members turning up in vehicles who will quickly kill you with machine gun fire.

Finally, if it looks like you're about to be killed and you can't get away from the gang members, quickly press the up arrow button twice to cancel the mission. You'll have to go back to the business to start the mission again, but at least you won't lose your ammo and you'll start again from the level you were previously on.

Once you're done head back inside the business, walk up to the notice board and press up and convert this business into the highest paying business type you have available right now - the high roller prostitution business.


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